Brow gel: best tricky techniques for perfect fill in the brow

Apr 11

Brow gel: best tricky techniques for perfect fill in the brow

The perfectly contoured bushy brows will totally change the expression of your beautiful face. The beauty trends encourage well-defined brows naturally with chic looks. Not everyone gets bushy brows; here is the tip on how to contour brows?  And adopt a celebrity Wow look!

Fill in eyebrows with a gel

Brows are one of the important beauty features on the face that must be keeping them on fleek. Eyebrow plucking, brushing and waxing doesn’t make natural stray on brow hairs. The use of brow gel provides the finishing touch with enviable eyebrows.

If your eyebrows are spare, then use tinted brows to fill them evenly. For a younger look, make thick full eyebrows. Use brow gets on top of eyebrow pencil or powder to set with.

Make sure that your eyebrows are in right shape helps your frame to change the look from too thick to too thin. By using brow gel on eyebrows tinting your brows neatly groomed.

A tricky technique is used to apply brow gel, once you start to use it that will be easy to apply eyebrow gel.

brow gel

Start with a skincare regime

First of all, before applying eyebrow gel or any makeup costume, clean the face clearly with the cleanser, follow with toner and moisturizer.

Fill your eyebrows

Now start your eye shadow right now for fairy look. Enhance sparse eyebrow with favorite color pencil and wax. Start tweezing out any stray and take out spoolie. Now move your brush along natural brow line focusing with lack adequate hairs, straight up on an inner corner and downwards till the tail end. The brow pencil must be used before using brow gel.

Selection of Eyebrow pencil

It is eminent to fill in eyebrows with gel on selection. In case of thick, full brows use a medium taupe shade. In case of red brows use a light reddish pencil to shade the brows right from inside layer till the end. It enhances mimic texture with better visual density. Eyebrows must be selected as well with dark and light colored brows without appealing too pale or too dark. 

Apply brow gel for a gorgeous look

Gently remove the gel from the tube and apply brow gel sweep in on brow hairs. Start to use the gel from inside and move towards the end of the brow. Follow the above technique in applying brow gel.

Always dip the brush in brush cleaner and wipe it with a dry towel before applying gel, pencil or wax. Repeat the same process for a gorgeous look using brow gel.

contour brows

Run the wand & Repeat the process for fine & stray hairs

Shimmy the wand across the top of the brow and focus on fine hair that seems to be tiny to pluck out. Brush promptly in this fine hair area to sit flat against the brow.

Run the wand from an upward direction to those tame hairs to the end of the brows. Repeat the process to make sure that stray hairs stayed in the same place every day.

Finishing touches after brows

Be selective in choosing tinted brow gel to fill in eyebrows with gel. Try to avoid too dark, too pale, unnatural and painted look gels. The appealing of these combinations may change your look from beauty to a ghost.

The wacky number of eyebrow trends makes a change of pace to brow gel that changes the look from the beauty of wow look to the beauty like a celebrity. Apply brow gel is one step shaping features of your brows.

Once you finish off fill in eyebrows with gel makeup proceed to the finishing touch on the rest of the makeup like eyeliner, lipstick and lip gloss.